这些天一直在琢磨如何在android device上实现一套Push功能,也google很多资料,看似无外乎以下三个方案(以下转载):
- Poll? The name obviously tells you that it’s really not even push. The idea here is to periodically poll the server for new messages from a background local or remote service. The more often you poll the closer you get to the real-time push.
- SMS Android allows you to intercept SMS messages. Your server sends a specially encoded SMS to your phone, whenever there is something new. Your app intercepts all messages, looks for the ones from the server, then pops up a notification.
- Persistent TCP/IP The phone initiates a long-lived mostly idle TCP/IP connection with the server and maintains it by occasionally sending keepalive messages. Whenever there is something new on the server, it sends a messages to the phone over the TCP connection.
Disadvantages: Hard to implement a reliable service on both the phone and the server side. The Android OS is known to be able to kill services when it’s running low on memory, so your notifications service can easily disappear. What happens when your phone goes to sleep? Some people complain about battery life issues related to maintaining an active connection.
当然,我的第一选择也是尝试C2DM,在注册完C2DM服务的账号后,google发的“AC2DM invitation”邮件里有提到仍处在试验中,加上我们要实现的产品需要一个稳定环境,所以尝试至此,也就中途放弃了,有兴趣的可以继续:
之后,我开始尝试使用openfire+smack来自己搭建一个Push platform,用openfire作为Push service,然后借用anroidpn开源工程代码(做了一定的修改),能够做到从Server Push信息到android client。对于这套方案,我并没有做并发测试(这里有提到:)以及电量消耗测试,因此只能说,这个可行,也易于实现。